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Liability Waiver


Yoga practice involves an increased risk of injury and discomfort, especially if the postures and sequences are performed improperly.


Participation in yoga classes is at your own risk. General health is a prerequisite for your participation. If you have specific problems, such as physical ailments, previous operations, problems during pregnancy, or psychotherapeutic/psychiatric treatment, please discuss your participation with your doctor beforehand. The provider/yoga teacher does not make any diagnoses. ​


Liability on the part of the provider/yoga teacher for personal injury, property damage, and financial loss is excluded. The provider/yoga teacher is liable for the proper condition of the aids she provides (mats, straps, blocks, blankets, etc.). However, we are not liable for any injuries caused by taking part in the courses offered, nor for accidents caused by themselves. The provider assumes no liability for property or valuables brought along.

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