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Writer's pictureJoanna Karanika

How to Balance the Ajna Chakra | Third-eye chakra

Updated: Jan 8

"I close my eyes in order to see"

― Paul Gauguin  

Are you curious about the Ajna Chakra, also known as the Third-Eye Chakra? This powerful energy center is said to hold the key to intuition and spiritual insight.

But how do you know if your Ajna Chakra is balanced or out of whack? Let's find out together! In this guide, we'll explore all you need to know about the Ajna Chakra and share tips on how to balance it.

Ajna Chakra Symbol
<a href="">Vector image by VectorStock / Oksanalee</a>

Table of Contents


A short introduction to the Chakra system

According to the yoga tradition, the subtle body is where our energy flows. The subtle body comprises seven major energy centers, which are also known as chakras. The chakras connect our body, mind, and spirit. You can imagine them as spinning wheels that run along your spine, starting from the base of the spine and extending to the crown of the head. When these energy centers are well-balanced, our flow of energy is in harmony, and we are less likely to experience negative feelings or dis-ease. On the other hand, when these energy centers are blocked, it can lead to physical, psychological, or emotional disorders.

Learn everything you need to know about the Ajna Chakra, including how to identify blockages and restore balance.

The Ajna Chakra Explained

The Ajna Chakra, also known as the Third Eye Chakra, is the sixth chakra in our body. In Sanskrit, "Ajna" means command and is pronounced as "Agya".

The Third Eye Chakra is often used as a focal point in meditation and yoga. 


The Ajna Chakra is located in the space between the eyebrows, also known as the third eye. It is positioned above the fifth chakra - the Vissudha chakra, which is associated with communication and reason, and below the seventh chakra - the Sahasrara chakra, which is the center of wisdom and enlightenment. Our Ajna Chakra is associated with inner wisdom, intuition, and higher knowledge.

You might think of it as your inner teacher who connects you to your intuition, your imagination, and the ability to visualize.

Characteristics of the Ajna Chakra


The Ajna Chakra is connected to the element of light. It is said that you possess wisdom within you, which is like a "light" that can guide you on your path.


Indigo (or a dark blue/purple color), which is associated with wisdom and inner knowledge.


This chakra's symbol includes two lotus petals, a downward-facing triangle that represents enlightenment, and the seed mantra "Om" at the center.


The area on the forehead, between the eyes, also known as the Brow Chakra.

Bija mantra



  • I trust my inner wisdom

  • I hear my inner voice loud and clear

  • I feel balanced and aware

When it develops

36-42 years old

Signs of a well-balanced Ajna Chakra

Let's take a quick look at what it feels like to have a balanced Ajna Chakra:

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Clarity

  • Vision

  • Imagination

  • Intuition

  • Ability to recall memories

Tree pose on a cliff
Tree pose on a cliff


When the third eye chakra is balanced, you are capable of tuning into and trusting your intuition and imagination. You see your life with clarity, self-awareness, and emotional balance. You trust your inner knowledge, which enables you to make well-balanced decisions. You remain open to different perspectives and can receive wisdom beyond the five senses of sight, touch, sound, taste, and hearing.


Signs that your Ajna Chakra is Blocked


Have you ever felt like all your inner wisdom is drained out? It's like you're running on empty and feeling closed-minded. Well, did you know that this feeling is a result of a blockage in your Ajna Chakra? On the other hand, when your Ajna is functioning well, you feel confident in your inner wisdom and intuition. So, let's unlock your Ajna and get you back to trusting your instincts! 

The first step is to learn how to recognize blockages in your Third Eye Chakra. Here's how:

Let's take a quick look at the symptoms of an imbalanced Ajna Chakra:

  • Eye strain

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Dizziness

  • Clogged sinuses

  • Hearing issues

  • Memory loss

  • Anxiety

  • Confusion

  • Insomnia / Nightmares

  • Obsessiveness

  • Low concentration

  • Denial

  • Inability to see the way out of situations

  • Difficulty seeing other options/future


a dog feeling unwell

When the sixth chakra is blocked, it can lead to a disconnection with your inner wisdom. This can result in a feeling of being lost or directionless in life. The imbalance of this chakra can manifest physically in the brain and eyes. You may also find yourself feeling stuck in the routine of day-to-day life. The lack of guidance from your inner wisdom may prevent you from seeing beyond immediate problems and your own opinions, making it difficult to see the bigger picture. This can result in feelings of mental fogginess, anxiety, or depression.


How to balance your Ajna Chakra

As we ascend through the body's chakras, we come closer to achieving a state of spiritual communion. The Ajna Chakra is responsible for our capacity to perceive the bigger picture and connect to our intuition. It functions as the soul's eye, allowing us to receive information beyond what's readily apparent. Individuals with an open third-eye chakra often experience visions and intuitive insights.


Let's explore some ways to balance the Ajna Chakra.

1. Journaling

Consider practicing journaling. Think about yourself as you are today and write down a list of sentences that begin with "I am …".

Write down as many things as you can think of that feel true to you right now. For example, "I am a writer, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am happy, I am beautiful, I am lonely, etc."

Next, imagine yourself 10 years ago and create a similar list for yourself at that time. Choose another one or two time periods in your life and do the same thing.

As you reflect on how your sense of self has changed, notice the differences in these lists.


2. Acting

Acting is a powerful tool that can help you access a wide range of emotions. These emotions can influence our behavior and sense of self. In this exercise, you can use your memory to evoke specific emotions. First, focus on a funny memory and try to make yourself laugh. You may need to force the laughter at first, but keep going until it feels natural. Next, focus on a sad memory and try to make yourself cry. Finally, think of a situation that makes you angry and scream into a pillow. Exaggerate the emotions as an actor would, but don't dwell on one emotion for too long. Remember that no single emotion defines who you are.

3. Keep a dream journal

The third eye is an innate ability that is active during the dream state. If you want to be more connected to your unconscious, it is essential to remember your dreams. Every morning, take some time to write down everything you can recall about your dreams. If you cannot remember anything, then spend some time in meditation to clear your mind before turning on any electronic devices. With time and practice, you will start to remember your dreams more easily.

4. Meditation

Meditation is a wonderful practice that can help open the third eye chakra. Visualization is particularly effective as it is closely linked to the imagination. During meditation, focus your eyes on the spot between your eyebrows (you can also tap this area to bring attention to it) and imagine a purple light "charging" your pineal gland.


5. Practice Trataka (Candle-gazing Meditation)

Trataka is a meditative technique that involves fixing your gaze on a point to enhance your focus, and memory, and reduce stress.

Looking to enhance your Trataka practice? Look no further than this website! I offer a stunning selection of candles that are perfect for creating the ideal atmosphere - whether you're seeking focus, inner peace, or simply a moment of serenity.

My top picks include:

 Take a peek at the Candle Shop and find the perfect match for your meditation needs.

6. Eat purple vegetables and fruits

Eat blue and purple foods such as blueberries, plums, eggplants, and grapes that will support your Ajna Chakra.

Organic Blueberries
Organic Blueberries

7. Practice Asana

Here are some asanas that can help bring balance to the Ajna Chakra:

  • Child's Pose

  • Downward-Facing Dog

  • Dolphin Pose

  • Eagle Pose

  • Lotus

  • Plough

  • Legs up the wall

Applying essential oils
Applying essential oils

8. Aromatherapy

Essential oils possess their unique energy, which is the essence of the plant from which they are extracted. Therefore, using essential oils to balance and support chakras can be a potent practice.

Below is a list of essential oils that aid in supporting Ajna Chakra:

  • Lavender

  • Sage

  • Lemon

  • Bergamot

  • Cypress

  • Cedarwood

  • Frankincense

9. Prioritize Self-Care, Sleep, and Relaxation

It's common for people to neglect self-care, either due to lack of priority or feeling guilty about indulging in it. However, we must remember that taking care of ourselves is crucial for our physical and mental well-being. It's not a selfish act but a necessary one. And, when we prioritize self-care, we help keep our chakras aligned and balanced.

The takeaway

The Ajna chakra is associated with intuition and inner guidance. Use these nine methods to balance and align your third eye chakra.


Joanna from Ajnayoga: Yoga | Sound Healing | Ayurvedic Nutrition | Handmade Scented Candles | Lachen | Zurich | Switzerland

About me

Joanna is a mother of two amazing children. She was born in Greece but lives in Switzerland with her family. Joanna is a certified yoga teacher and an Ayurvedic Nutrition Coach. She has a deep passion for holistic health and wellness and aims to assist people in achieving their personal goals through her teachings. Additionally, Joanna is the proud owner of the Candle Shop Ajnayoga, which offers candles with unique scents designed for yoga, relaxation, meditation, spa, massage, and aromatherapy. These candles aim to create the perfect atmosphere for your space.

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